Career Guidance, Coaching & Mentoring

Can dramatically improve your teens’ performance and put them on the right track to reach their academic and career goals

What is coaching in education?

Career and Educational coaching doesn't teach students the subjects they’re struggling with or force them to memorise maths formulae.
Instead, I show students how to learn by identifying their own learning style. I help them identify their skills, interests and capabilities. As a result, not only will your teens discover the correct career path, but also the value of their education; they’ll also gain the fundamental skills and character traits they need for their long-term success. They become self-motivated, focused, and proactive.

Through this process, students achieve sustainable and lasting success — both inside and outside of the classroom.

A complete Career Guidance Programme for Students

(Ideal for TY, 5th, 6th year and college students)

This 4 to 5 hour (over four weeks) Career Guidance Programme includes the following: -

Career Guidance Programme includes:

  • In-depth interview about them
  • Skills & Interest Analysis
  • Learning Style Analysis
  • Personality Profiler
  • Capabilities Analysis
  • Careers Interest Analysis
  • Career Sector Analysis
  • Education Pathways
  • Career Builder
  • Personal Action Plan
The programme ensures that each person has the opportunity to select the right career for themselves at as early a stage of their lives as possible; an invaluable service for both students and parents/guardians/teachers alike.

Some frightening statistics*: -
70% of people are unhappy in their career *(SFA)
(because they chose the wrong one for them)
40% of students will drop out of college *(USI)
(after choosing the wrong course)

For further information please email:
Call/WhatsApp:   087 462 6333

* (Small Firms Association)
* (Union of Students in Ireland)